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Options 1463 to 1473

  1. Be completely soluble in oil
  2. Never take off the underwear that you are currently wearing ever again
  3. Live forever and watch your best friend die today
  4. Have a paralyzing, heart-gripping, incurable fear of telephones (telephonophobia)
  5. Your vision suddenly reverses so that everything is flipped front-to-back. Eg, when a person faces you you see their back, when you look at a wall you see its other side, etc.
  6. Eat nothing but Burger King for the rest of your life
  7. Fall into a vat of rubbing alcohol
  8. At 3:00 AM on a normal night your house (or place of residence) suddenly becomes watertight and filled completely with water. If asleep, you wake up at this moment.
  9. Be able to fly, but subtracting a minute of your most loved one's life for every minute you're in the air
  10. Everyone in the world looks completely average and identical.

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