Options By Popularity

Options 117 to 127

  1. Be excellent at math
  2. Have generous parents
  3. Bending from Avatar: The Last Airbender is real and can be learned and used as it is in that universe
  4. Have the power to switch genders at will
  5. Whenever you watch a movie or show you can choose to forget everything you know about the show (so its like watching it for the first time). After the show is over your memories return, combined with the new ones you just formed.
  6. Have your blood cure all diseases/ailments (including, for example, dismemberment) and keep it to yourself and maybe a few close friends
  7. Become a member of the Justice League
  8. Be beautiful
  9. Have the ability to touch things and turn them to jello (you can chose to use or not use this power, its not forced or automatic)
  10. Have telescopic vision

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